Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Importance of Understanding Cultural Diversity Essay

Cultural and Ethnic diversity continues to impact day to day life making diversity in the workplace more common. Diversity refers to the qualities that are different from our own and can include race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, background and much more. Not only does diversity involve how people identify themselves, but how they perceive others as well, which, in turn, can affect their interactions in a culturally diverse work environment. Accepting and understanding the differences of any culture, and embracing diversity can reduce conflict and help team building in the workplace. â€Å"Different voices of a diverse workforce are respected and heard (Bell, 2007, p.5).† Recognizing and understanding cultural differences in the workplace is just the beginning. Subordinate groups opinions that have developed over time may cause defensive and cautious behaviors and attempting to bridge the gap between dominant and subordinate groups could provide better communication. Managers and supervisors need to strive for a deeper knowledge and understanding of cultural differences. By establishing relationships at work with individuals different from yourself, you can begin to learn the knowledge that culture may have to offer your organization. Prejudice and prejudgment also need to be addressed including the misconceptions based on cultural values or stereotypes. For example, it may be thought that men work harder at their jobs and are more committed than women, or that younger employees have no motivation to work, or even that a Jamaican employee is lazy because of his/her laid back culture. A manager can become a role model for all employees to embrace cultural diversity in the work place by confronting these prejudgments. â€Å"Managing diversity is a comprehensive managerial process for developing an environment that works for all employees (Bell, 2007, p8).† The majority of nursing homes have come to realize that employees from various ethnic and cultural back-grounds, as well as those of different gender can bring a completely different perspective. It is becoming more important to have an understanding of different cultural backgrounds since there are more and more patients being cared for in this country with very different cultural backgrounds. At the same time it is essential that the nursing unit is running smoothly and that patient care is the highest priority. Misunderstandings regarding culture or ethnic background can impact the patient’s care and his/her perception of treatment. There has to be a balance of different cultures, ethnicities and genders so it is important to keep in mind the importance of making the units as diverse as possible when hiring healthcare staff. In order for employees to feel comfortable in the workplace and achieve satisfaction, education and teaching on culture and diversity is essential. Thanks to the increasing education among nursing staff on cultural diversity, changes are being seen in the nursing profession. The lefty for a day was quite a challenge. Trying to cook dinner, writing, doing homework was all very difficult and I was unable to use the scissors I had since they are specifically made for being right handed. This experience gave me more of an understanding of what it must be like for those of different cultures to adapt in new surroundings and a new appreciation for the challenges faced by those that do not fit into what society considers to be normal. References Bell, M. (40). Diversity in Organizations (2nd ed). Retrieved from

BIBL 104

Matthew is the first of the four gospels of the New Testament. Largely narrative material, this first gospel serves as the connection between the Old and New Testaments, providing an understanding of how Jesus fulfilled all the various prophecies about his coming that are found in the Old Testament. Possibly written in the A. D. 70s, though some believe it could have been written ten to twenty years earlier, the gospel of Matthew covers the entire span of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, concluding with Jesus giving the disciples their mission of going out and spreading the word of God.Geared primarily towards Jewish readers, the goal of the text was to provide them with irrefutable proof that the long-awaited Messiah had come to usher in the kingdom of God on Earth. Mark The second of the four gospels, the gospel of Mark is largely narrative and goes at a fast pace. Unlike the gospel of Matthew, which begins with the birth of Jesus and progresses through his life, Mark b egins with John the Baptist prophesying about Jesus, followed by the baptism of Jesus by John. It progresses from this point on to the end of his life.The focus of the text is on the many parables Jesus told and the miracles he performed during his period of ministry, which lasted a total of three years. The text was written by John Mark, son of a widow in Jerusalem whose home was most likely a meeting place for early Christians, who got his information from the disciple Peter. Written possibly as early as A. D. 50 and as late as A. D. 65, the text has a distinctly non-Jewish feel to it, and thus may have been written for Christians in Rome.Mark wrote it with the goal of offering encouragement to these Christians, who were suffering at the hands of the Romans, particularly the emperor. Mark, through his writings, presents Jesus as the suffering Messiah, as well as the Savior of the entire world, regardless of race or religion. Luke The third of the four gospels, the gospel of the Lu ke is largely narrative, and is the most elaborate in regards to the details of the life of Jesus. It begins with the prophecy regarding the birth of John the Baptist, progressing from that point on to the events surrounding the birth, life, and death of Jesus.Luke has the widest range of information with regard to the parables, miracles, and teachings of Jesus. Some of the more familiar parables include the parable of the sower, the parable of the Good Samaritan, the parable of the ten virgins, the parable of the prodigal son, and the parable of the ten talents. Some of the more familiar miracles include the healing of the Roman centurion’s servant, the feeding of the five thousand, the transformation of water into wine, the raising of Lazarus, and the raising of daughter of Jairus. Possibly written between A. D.59 to 63, or maybe fifteen to twenty years later, the goal Luke had in writing this gospel was to put forth the message that the love of God is not just for Jews, bu t for everyone who believes in him. John The final of the four gospels, the gospel of John is largely narrative. It is believed that it was written sometime between A. D. 80 and 95. However, there are those who believe that it was written as early as the A. D. 50s and no later than A. D. 70. Like Mark, John begins his gospel with John the Baptist baptizing Jesus, and progressing from this point on up to the death and resurrection of Jesus.Written at a time when non-Jewish followers of Jesus were being bombarded with the Greek theory that Jesus was divine but not truly human, the purpose of this gospel being written was so that the people would believe that Jesus truly was the Son of God, and that he was the word made into flesh. One particular aspect that sets this gospel apart from the other three is the inclusion of several sermons Jesus gave during his three-year ministry, none of which are found in the other three gospels. Acts Written by Luke around A. D.63 to 70 to Theophilus, who may have been a particular person or a reference to the Christians in general, the book of Acts is largely historical narrative written in the form of a letter. Covering the period from Pentecost, as well as the early stages of the disciples going out and preaching the word of God, the text can be viewed as the sequel to the Gospels. Within it is an explanation by Luke regarding the incredible growth of the early Christian church, as well as a discussion regarding the source of conflict between Jewish and Gentile Christians, both of whom would be brought together eventually through their mutual love of Christ.One of the key events within the text is the martyrdom of the disciple Stephen, now known as Saint Stephen. He is one of many that Luke writes about who die for their belief in Christ. Romans The book of Romans is the first of thirteen letters, or epistles, written by the apostle Paul to various non-Jewish Christian communities, in which he offers them advice and expounds on the teachings of Christ. Written sometime in A. D. 57, and largely narrative conversation, it was geared to the mostly Gentile followers of Christ living in Rome.His goal in writing this particular letter was three-fold. First, he wanted to introduce himself to the Christian community in Rome and garner their help in spreading the gospel. Second, he wanted to develop, expand, and defend the gospel message he was preaching. Finally, he wanted to encourage the Roman Christians to depend solely on God for their salvation. In this way, they would better realize and understand that they can become righteous and be transformed through believing in Christ. To that end, the main themes of the text are faith, grace, righteousness, and justification.As a result, this text best serves those seeking spiritual renewal, and played a pivotal role in the development of the belief held by Martin Luther – that faith alone justifies – and thus in the Protestant Reformation, which fore ver changed Christianity. 1 Corinthians The second of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, Paul wrote this letter to the Christian community in Corinth around A. D. 54 to 55. Within two to three years after starting the Christian community in Corinth, Paul got word that there was a great deal of strife within the young church.There were those who had become spiritually arrogant, which in turn led to problems such as sexual misconduct, mistreatment of fellow believers, abuse of spiritual gifts, and a general misconstruing of the basic teachings of Christ. Thus, Paul wrote this letter to help restore balance to the young Christian community, giving them simple and straightforward advice on what needed to be done to restore unity within their church. Thus, the text contains information concerning Christian living, relationships within the church, spiritual gifts, love, and the teachings of Christ – all of which are still relevant today.2 Co rinthians The third of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, this was a follow-up letter written to the Corinthian Christian community around A. D. 55. Due to an uprising within the community, Paul felt obliged to write this letter to accomplish the following: the calming of various disagreements within the community, the restoration of unity within the community, and the reestablishment of Paul’s role as the leader of the community.Various themes covered in the text include the following: how to handle dissension within the church, false teaching, church leadership, the plight of other Christian communities, and financial support of the church and the poor. Paul also discusses the hopes, fears, and assurances he has for the Corinthian church and their relationship with God. Galatians The fourth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, the letter was written by Paul to the Christian community in Galat ia, a Roman province in what is now central Turkey. Written around A.D. 48 to 53, just under 25 years after Jesus was on Earth, the letter was meant to denounce and correct the false teachings cropping up in the churches that Paul and his fellow disciple – Barnabas – had established. The letter was also written by Paul as a method of defending his integrity as an apostle of Christ, which had been questioned and attacked, and also to reassert the love he had for the Galatians. This text goes back to the basics of Christianity and its teachings, focusing on what the gospel is, how it is received, and how it can be applied to daily living.Paul accomplishes through a variety of techniques, such as illustrations from his life and that of Abraham, to encourage the Galatians to return to the pure gospel and avoid the legalism that false teachers were pushing on them. Ephesians The fifth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, it was writ ten by Paul sometime during his imprisonment in Rome, around A. D. 60 to 62. The goal was to provide encouragement to the Christians of Ephesus to view themselves in a whole new way.They had once been idol-worshipers, involving in pagan activities and adhering to foolish philosophies. Now, Paul wanted them to realize that they were people in Christ. The text provides insight into what God wants for his followers, stresses unity within the church and among its believers, and provides the usual practical advice with regard to Christian living. Philippians The sixth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, it was written by Paul around A. D. 60 to 62, while Paul was under house arrest awaiting trial regarding an appeal to the Emperor Nero.Philippi was the first place in European that Paul had begun a church, sometime around A. D. 50. He eventually moved on, but the people continued to express their devotion to him by offering aid to him whenever th ey could. Thus, when he was under house arrest, they sent him money to help with his living expenses. The letter was written to thank them for the help, as well as to warn them against false teachers and to urge them to be more unified. The text also contains one of the most prominent psalms of the Bible regarding praise to and for Jesus (2:5-11).Finally, it contains practical advice to help one reshape his or her thinking according to the ways of God. Colossians The seventh of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, it was also written during the time Paul was under house arrest. Geared toward the small Christian community founded by Epaphras, one of Paul’s disciples, in the small city of Colosse, the goal of the letter was emphasize the supremacy of Christ, which was being challenged by the appearance of a new religious philosophy called Gnosticism.This new philosophy was a mixture of Christian, Jewish and pagan beliefs that were beginnin g to take hold. Paul’s intention was to make it clear that the nature, identity, deity, and authority of Christ were unquestionable and unparalleled. Other aspects also touched on in the text include the various ways that one can develop and maintain attitudes and actions that honor Christ. 1 Thessalonians The eighth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, this letter was written by Paul sometime around A. D. 50 to the Christian community in Thessalonica.Founded during his second missionary journey, Paul had been forced to leave the community due to violence and opposition against him. When he later received news of how well the community was thriving, he wrote this letter to them to commend them on their success, but also to advise them to clear up any misunderstandings that existed. The text thus provides guidelines on how Christians can live a holy life even if surrounded by hostility to their religious beliefs. It also touches on the aspect of eternal life, offering clues about the end times and the return of Christ to the Earth.2 Thessalonians The ninth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, this second letter was written not too long after the first. Paul wrote it due to the impression he got that the Thessalonicans needed an extra dose of his advice with regard to their community. Several themes are touched upon in this letter: suffering, work, and the end times. This letter, in conjunction with the first one, provide for Christians then and now, a great deal of information with regard to what will happen in the end times.It could be said to be a precursor to the book of Revelations, which goes into greater detail about the end times. Finally, the text reminds all Christians that, though our earthly life is terminal, we have the hope of living eternally with Christ. 1 Timothy The tenth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, this letter is different in that it was geared toward on specific person rather than a whole community. Timothy was a protege of Paul’s, and was now the leader of a small Christian community that was going through difficult times.Written shortly after Paul was released from jail sometime around A. D. 63 to 65, the letter offered Timothy specific guidelines on how to organize and run the church, as well as offered various practical solutions with regard to believers developing stronger relationships among themselves, as well as with their leaders and the world at large. Thus, the ultimate theme of the text is that a church requires unity in order to survive and prosper. 2 Timothy The eleventh of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, this second letter to Timothy was written around A. D.66 to 67, when Paul was once again in a Roman prison. This time, however, it was clear he would die in that prison. As a result, many of the people who had suppo rted him had now turned away from him. This letter, then, is considered to be one of the last written by Paul. In it, he demonstrates his concern not just for Timothy, but also for the Christian churches overall. He offers encouragement to the faithful, discusses various teachings of Christ and events that will occur in the last days of time, and ends with him giving Timothy his assignment – to spread the word of God – and closing remarks. TitusThe twelfth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, it was written to Titus by Paul sometime between A. D. 63 to 65, during his travels following his first release from prison. Titus was a protege of Paul, and had helped him start, organize, and lead several churches throughout the eastern half of the Roman Empire. The letter contains advice for Titus, who was now a young leader of a troubled church on the island of Crete. In it, Paul tells Titus to refute and ignore all false teachers, to work for the unity of his church, and to find good leaders for the church.It also provides guidelines for living a godly life, and emphasizes the power of faith with regarding to overcoming the problems of division and disharmony within the church. Finally, it puts forth the point that does who persevere in the face of difficulty will reap the benefits and rewards of their perseverance. Philemon The last of the thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, it was written to Philemon by Paul between A. D. 60 and 62, while he was in prison. Philemon was a wealthy Christian who was part of the church at Colosse. One of his slaves – Onesimus – had run away from him.This same slave had come in contact with Paul while both were in a Roman prison. While there, Onesimus became a follower of Christ. After this, Paul decided to send the young man back to his former master, along with this letter asking for Philemon to forgive Onesimus. The hope Paul had was that Philemon would become a living example of the grace that all Christians receive through Christ. Thus, the text provides a riveting tale of the cost of asking for and granting forgiveness. It also demonstrates how important it is for Christians to realize they are all equal and acceptable in the eyes of Christ.Hebrews Hebrews is the first of eight additional letters within the New Testament. Written between A. D. 60 and 70, the author is not identified. Possible suggestions could be Paul, Barnabas, Luke, or Apollos. The purpose of the letter was to warn the early Jewish believers in and followers of Christ, who were suffering continual persecution, against reverting back to their Old Testament way of life. Throughout the letter, the author uses vivid illustrations from the Old Testament to demonstrate what God had done through Christ.There are strong emotional appeals to the Hebrews, the name initially used to refer to the Jews before they were called Israelites, to mai ntain the new covenant they had with Christ rather than revert back to the old one that had been made in the days of Noah, Abraham, and Jacob. These various connections and contrasts between the Old and New Testaments are meant to demonstrate the superiority of Christ and the new covenant made with him. Ultimately, the letter is meant to inspire all who read it to maintain their faith in Christ in all situations.James James is the second of eight additional letters within the New Testament. It is possible that this was the first book of the New Testament to have been written, sometime between A. D. 40 and 50. The letter was geared to the twelve tribes, and this could mean either the people of Israel that had now become followers of Christ or the church in a symbolic sense. It was meant to warn them against some of the habits they had developed which were undermining them: favoritism, slander, pride, the misuse of wealth, and impatience.The ultimate goal of the letter was to demonstr ate that, though one can believe in Christ, it is still possible to live the wrong way. However, it also shows that it is possible to turn belief in the right doctrine into right living. 1 Peter This first letter written by Peter is the third of eight additional letters within the New Testament. Composed sometime between A. D. 60 to 64, and geared to the Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor (modern Turkey), the letter was meant to encourage the early Christians in the face of the continual persecution they were facing.This persecution had scattered them, thus spreading their belief in Christ; however, some were beginning to feel abandoned by God. To understand why they would feel this way, the letter must be placed in its historical setting. When Christianity first emerged, the Roman government had allowed early Christians the same type of religious freedom they allowed the Jews. However, as tensions grew between Jewish and Christian beliefs, the tolerance for Christianity beg an decreasing. This decreased tolerance led to the Roman government’s persecution of Christians, including Peter, who endured imprisonment and beatings for his faith.Thus, the goal of the letter is to demonstrate how faith is tested through suffering, and can be strengthened by it. 2 Peter This second letter written by Peter is the fourth of eight additional letters within the New Testament. It was geared to the same people – Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor – and was written in Rome sometime between A. D. 64 and 68. This time, the purpose of the letter was to warn the people against false teachers that had begun to infiltrate various Christian communities.In doing so, Peter hoped that the warning would prevent the Christians from being taken in by the false teachings, and instead remain true and faithful to the word of God. Several key themes can be found throughout the letter: the need and importance of developing a Christian character, the importanc e of holding on to the truth, warnings against false teachers and prophets, and advice on how to live a life that is based on the return of Christ to Earth. 1 John The first of a series of letters written by John, who also wrote one of the four gospels, it is the fifth of eight additional letters within the New Testament.Written sometime in the A. D. 80s, when John was an old man, the letter was geared to a group of Christian communities near Ephesus. These communities were part of a springing up of Christian communities emerging after the first major wave of persecution Christians endured during the rule of the Roman Emperor Nero. Possibly the last surviving apostle, John wrote this to encourage these new Christian communities, and also as a sort of history and examination of the gains and losses of the early Christian church.Some of the themes covered in the letter include the following: the fact that God is the light and his followers must walk in that light to maintain a bond wi th him; loving your fellow man as Christ taught; having faith in the Son of God – Christ; and avoidance of anything that attempts to refute the teachings of God. He concludes by restating that Christians are the children of God, and that through Christ, we have an understanding of who God is and of the promise of eternal life he offers to those who believe in him. 2 JohnThe second of a series of letters written by John, it is the sixth of eight additional letters within the New Testament. It was most likely written shortly after the first letter, and was most likely meant to accompany the first letter. His goal in writing it was to help renew the commitment the Christians made to follow Christ by further exposure of false teachings, and to also encourage them to remain faithful to God. Thus, many of the themes covered in the first letter are touched on within this short follow-up letter.Also, it is something of a challenge to those who believe in God to make sure they are fir m in their faith. 3 John The last of a series of letters written by John, it is the seventh of eight additional letters within the New Testament. It was most likely written shortly after the second letter. However, unlike the first two geared to Christian communities in general, this letter is written specifically to Gaius, a friend of John’s. The letter served to commend Gaius for his faithful support of legitimate teachers, while warning him against the actions of a strong-minded leader by the name of Diotrephes.Again, many of the same themes touched on in the first letter are touched on in this letter. However, the primary focus is on walking in the light of God and living according to his teachings. Jude The last of eight additional letters, it was written by Jude, the half-brother of Jesus and full brother of James. Composed sometime around A. D. 65 or possibly earlier, Jude wrote it because he was concerned about the possibility of Christians being drawn to and taken in by the many false doctrines being put forth at the time.Therefore, he urged believes to maintain and fight for the Christian faith. Although brief, the letter provides direct warnings against turning away from God, while also touching on the many promises a life lived in the word of God can offer. Revelation The final book of the New Testament, and of the Bible as a whole, this was most likely written by John sometime around A. D. 90 to 96. The book went to the seven Christian communities located in Asia Minor, to warn them against letting go of their faith in Christ.It also reassured them of the ultimate victory of those who remain faithful over those who choose to live immorally. The text is considered to be apocalyptic narrative, due to its many prophecies. There is a great deal of imagery and symbolism, which are used to demonstrate how evil within the world will be replaced with the good and peacefulness of the kingdom of God. Thus, the ultimate message is that, ultimately, go od will defeat evil, and the world will revert back to what it had been before Adam and Eve committed the first sin.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

South Asia and Management of Energy Security 

INTERNATIONAL-RELATIONS ARTICLE ASSIGNMENT=1 SOUTH ASIA AND MANAGEMENT OF ENERGY SECURITY 3/27/2013 SUBMITTED BY FAIZAN-ALI BBA-7C * Introduction: The article named south Asia and management of energy security has been written by a well known associate professor of international relations miss DR MUSARRAT JABEEN Quetta university Baluchistan.The writer herself a very competent and well known to her subject of specialization with the great exposure of international systems and relations also read one other books of her by the name of legacy of china which is one of her successful stories and proof of her good thought of school. After now introducing the writer I would like to introduce the under attention article of the writer which is south Asia and management of energy security. Summary (major points): in the article the writer talked about many things and tried to focus on the fact that energy security hinges on the demand and supply systems in terms of energy management. She used a word of hinge in her sentence which is the demonstration of a beautiful making of preposition by writer which means a joining device on which a lid or door turns when it opens. When comes to the major and focal points of an article I would like to firstly translate the meaning of energy security which means that smooth and reliable transaction and movement of energy between supply and demand systems of energy.The emergence of supply and demand is from the economic world and as per my understanding with these terms I conclude that there should not be a supply and demand gap in the systems of energy otherwise I will create a question on the security of energy which is the smooth transaction of energy. Importantly major points for supply and demand are rolled under three dimensions: * Dependency * Certainty * AffordabilityAs energy is the most important security for all the nations and states because a great sense of competition exists among nations for energy security as energy is o ne of the basic requirements for economic development and economic growth. There are some important factors in the given articles which are responsible for the increase in demand * High rate of population * Stress caused by economic growth * Economic dualism * Structural transformation * Physical capital formationThis study basically focuses on the supply and demand systems crossing south Asia at the confluence of central Asia and Middle East south Asia has specific energy security issues. One of the growing demands of energy is that china is becoming the world’s biggest economic power very soon in future due to china needs the cost is kept on increasing specially in south Asia. The region specially discussed in this article is south Asia in which Pakistan is included which would be the route and supplier of energy very soon in future but this might not take place very soon because of our energy crisis at national level.India which is only the supplier and Afghanistan which i s the route of energy can also create political barriers to other states of south Asia especially for Iran who is the biggest supplier of energy among south Asia countries. U. s Europe and china’s interest has made some political environment in south Asia. As oil is one of the most important ingredients of energy so U. S who is the only power of world wants to control all pricing management of oil especially in Gulf States?In view of geographical location PAKSITAN has a great importance for all because we have gawaddar port we have Karachi port and we have so many other routes which actually links with the boundaries of AGHANISTAN INDIA IRAN and across the river to the Gulf States. The writer has taken up some important qualifications about PAKSITAN which in my point of view are very important. * Pakistan is located at the confluence of central middle and south Asia. In short Pakistan is the heart of Asia. * Pakistan has the ability to grow at the level of above 8% GDP. * Pak istan has catered for the central Asia trade with south Asia and the rest of world. Challenges: In South Asia, the demand for infrastructure, and particularly electricity, is growing rapidly. Improved electricity supply is a key to sustaining economic growth and improving social services. †¢ Electricity is still not available to about half of the region's 1. 5 billion population, especially in rural areas, which adversely affects the efforts to reduce poverty and create better opportunities for all. †¢ The lack of access to modern forms of energy prolongs the widespread traditional use of biomass, with adverse environmental and health impact. Electricity services to the connected customers, whether to businesses or households, are often unreliable and of poor quality, coupled with high technical and commercial losses and poor commercial performance of service providers. †¢ Advancing electricity sector reforms, aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of electrici ty service, commercial viability of electricity industry, institutional and governance arrangements, accountability of service providers, and investment climate is critical to ensure sustained growth of the sector and optimal development and use of energy resources. National energy systems are autarchic, with weak or nonexistent interconnections. There is little cross-border trade in electricity, with the exception of India-Bhutan trade, and none in natural gas. * Critical analysis: South Asia's energy security dilemma is one of the signal challenges of the 21st century, critical to the economic future of almost two billion people and the political future of one of the world s most volatile regions. Now for the critical analysis as per my reading and understanding with the article I would like to mention some strengths and weaknesses and also the things which are covered and which are not covered.In south Asia energy management china India Pakistan Afghanistan are the majors countri es for supply and routes specially in south Asia so they have a great interest of international community specially from the super power U. S. America wanted a full control on all movements and managements of energy specially on oil and also the resources of all these big countries of Asia. china is more powerful among all other Asian states because they are using there resources very efficiently and effectively.Here I can give an example of small dams of water as reserves in china which are 1 lakh in quantity as per rough idea which is the security of many other energy production systems. While talking about Pakistan, Baluchistan which is the biggest area in view of resources and energy generation is now under the strong influence by international forces to get management by others. In view of strengths it is an accepted fact a stronger Pakistan will deal strongly with the regional challenges. The construction of deep sea port at GAWADAR is just one component of the greater gawadar plan. here is a strong link of network of Karachi with Baluchistan by roads. Management of regional interest can play an important role in the management of energy in south Asia. As Pakistan is the hub of transportation for all so there should be a unity and strong faith of friendship among the countries of south Asia. The policy of recasting regional interstate relations on the basis of trade will directly lead to the prosperity of the whole region. Regionally there are so many projects are running among the Pakistan Iran India china srilanka etc. ne of the greatest example is the agreement of gas pipeline between Pakistan and Iran which is the proof of interstate relationships. This agreement is unacceptable for the international actors like America. when going internationally we should all act alike under some laws and policies for the benefit of whole Asia because it has to be understand by all that our continent is very rich in many things like geographical location resources natural climate fertile land etc. everybody should look east towards each other because to the west only fake faces and promises are made for their own national interest. Conclusion: finally at the end I would like to say that this is our bad luck among south Asia countries that we all are affiliated with other international channels for some interest and we are less behind in developing relations among each other. Due to which when there is an increase in the security of energy happens in any country the other feels insecurity like when India made nuclear tests it was a worried time for Pakistan because instead of having a relationship of friendship we are enemy of each other which is the biggest drawback in our continent. he task of global reforms has to be an inclusive one,addresing the concerns and needs of the states located in the heartland of Asia. All the tensions should be solved by dialogues and by cooperation’s. There should be two management policies one at region al level and one should be on international level. The gap is increasing between supply and demand of energy because of inelasticity. East and Southeast Asian states are facing severe and increasing energy security challenges.Regional economies are generally poor in natural resources, trade-dependent, and energy-intensive in character. Regional energy demands, especially for natural gas and fuels derived from crude oil, continue to escalate. Simultaneously, indigenous production of oil and gas has been for the large part either declining. This divergence between energy demands and domestic supplies has led to increasing reliance among East and Southeast Asian states on foreign sources of supply, including energy imports that are predominantly delivered by sea.Recommendation: * Create awareness programs for states on their issues, like economic, social and legal issues, to strengthen them, on government level and civil society organization. * Need comprehensive legislation to ensure the states’ right and their protection. * Promote/Start debates and address the issues of states with governments. —————-*————————————–*—————————*—————————

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Individualized Education Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Individualized Education Program - Essay Example When a student undergoes assessment on whether they need special education, they undergo a series of assessment tests. The first of these is visual and hearing tests. The screening for this test is necessary to examine bad performance, which may have resulted from difficulties in hearing or clear eyesight. Once this is completed, a test of intellectual ability follows. An intelligence quotient (IQ) test or simply a regular test for students of similar age and class is administered to check the intellectual level and ability. Achievement on schoolwork and even extracurricular activities is carried out to find the areas of strength and weaknesses. Parents provide the developmental history of the student, which is compared against the formal stages of development of other students. Lastly, the social and behavioral functioning is tested, where closer patterns of socialization such as more engagement in extracurricular activities are examined and recommended. The teacher's evaluation is the first step to assess the student's performance. According to Friend, teachers have experiences and knowledge of a student’s behavior and weaknesses/strengths in comparison to classmates. The teacher has to collaborate with the Intervention Assistance Team, which includes the general teacher, special education teacher, speech language pathologist, and school nurse. Parents, with guidance and supervision from the special education teacher, are the right party to handle the decision on the setting of the boy’s special education.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sin and Homosexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sin and Homosexuality - Essay Example Andrew Sullivan would reject ideas and opinion expressed by Cardinal Josef Ratzinger citing the examples of the Bible and Hebrews Scriptures. Homosexuality is a sin because it is unnatural for a person to have sexual relations with the same sex. This issue is stated in Leviticus: â€Å"you shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination† (Sullivan 188). At the level of policy, Sullivan argues that the Church oppose homosexuality, which by its very nature is at odds with the norm of the procreative family, a norm which is major contribution to the civilization of humanity. The essay is an effort to make explicit this "civilizing" role of heterosexual marriage, a role recognized, emphasized, and sanctified by biblical religion. In contrast to Andrew Sullivan, Cardinal Josef Ratzinger states that homosexuality cannot be regarded as a sin because â€Å"human beings, therefore, are nothing less than the work of God himself; and in the complementarity of the sexes t hey are called to reflect the inner unity of the Creator† (Ratzinger). The church should express Christ's love and compassion toward homosexual persons, but should also uphold the vision for sexuality and marriage. Thus, Andrew Sullivan would agree with some ideas expressed by Cardinal Josef Ratzinger recognizing the difference between homosexual acts and homosexual orientation. â€Å"Persons with a homosexual orientation are not to be condemned or prosecuted, but treated with dignity, respect and compassion† (Sullivan 190). The homosexual movement is interpreted by the colloquium as part of a larger sexual agenda rooted in a destructive lack of discipline and restraint. He concludes that homosexuality is such a threat to heterosexual marriage (which does involve commitment to a common good) that society ought in every acceptable way possible discourage homosexuality. Similar to Andrew Sullivan, Cardinal Josef Ratzinger states that: "as in every moral disorder, homosexual activity prevents one's own fulfillment and happiness by acting contrary to the creative wisdom of God" (Ratzinger). The main difference between the critics is the way they use arguments and perspectives of the Scripture. Andrew Sullivan uses direct meaning of the Scripture while Cardinal Josef Ratzinger applies general concepts and views on human nature and divine nature of every person to homosexual relations. Thus, Andrew Sullivan would oppose Cardinal Josef Ratzinger because homosexual behavior odds with God's purpose for sexual union, a purpose which is revealed in Scripture. Jones defends a "high view" if Scripture which, he argues, explicitly condemns homosexuality and establishes heterosexual marriage as God's standard. Andrew Sullivan would state that a homosexual person should hide its sexual orientation because "it violates the God's plan for human sexuality" (Sullivan 188). The distinction between homosexuality as a condition of sexual predispositions and homosexual behavior becomes important. Its opposition to homosexual behavior is rooted in the interpretation of Scripture as unequivocally viewing homosexuality as immoral and is founded

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Economic Rationale for Road Pricing is Compelling Essay

The Economic Rationale for Road Pricing is Compelling - Essay Example The European Union is studying the marginal cost of pricing in the arena of transportation for about a decade now. The Union funded many ongoing projects in this field. The RAC Foundation handed over the responsibility of determining the mechanisms of motoring taxes to the independent institute of fiscal studies. They were asked to investigate whether the taxes are equitable and justifiable. The report from the institution mentioned the issue of cabotage and stated that the hauliers belonging to the other countries have the potential to deliver goods into the market of UK by paying lower taxes on diesel or ignoring the duty rates of the country (Gillen, 2007, p. 1-2). Road Transport and economics A key role is played by transportation in the economic scenario of today. A term, transport economics is used now to identify the role of transport in economy. The supply is determined by the capacity carriers offer to the travelers while the demand is determined by the number of trips the t ravelers takes within a particular time frame. In order to witness a booming economy it is necessary to maintain a steady system of transport that allows fluent access of goods and services across the country. If the goods get delay because of lacks in transport facilities the profits will fall which will take its toll on the level of efficiency. An efficient transport system will create employment opportunities (Croner, 2012). A vast majority of labor is necessary to carry out the responsibilities of transporting goods to the various places quickly. When the economy is not on its course people are less willing to travel and the economy suffers while in the booming situation frequent traveling not only creates more job opportunities but also contributes in strengthening the transport system. The road transportation is more popular where people tend to find the less costly method of transportation. The road transportation facilities are characterized by monopolistic competition which revolves around the conditions of supply and demand. The products or the services offered in the monopolistic competitive market are same but cannot be substituted. The differentiation in the offered products provides choices for the consumers and the consumers can take the decision on which product they want to avail. This factor acts as the catalysts to drive in more competition into the market as well as new innovations which are less costly and more effective (Seely, 2012, p. 2) The report The report of the IFS recommended a move to a more diverged system of road pricing. The revenues raised as a resultant can be used to reduce the taxes on motor transport. Such a measure is thought to generate sufficient economic gains from reduction in congestion. The measure is also thought to reduce the levied taxes on the majority of driven miles, and leave a certain portion of the motorists in a better off situation as well as provide a stable footing for the taxes on motoring without tak ing any additional measures to raise the net additional benefits from the drivers. The use of roads generates costs that are borne not only by the motorists but also by the wider society. Therefore externalities are accrued to the system of road taxes or the system of road pricing. These externalities suggest that in the absence of effective pricing or taxation policies there is inefficient high level of road use. The taxes have the

Friday, July 26, 2019

What is the effect of oil prices change on stock market of GCC Assignment

What is the effect of oil prices change on stock market of GCC countries - Assignment Example Of the seven countries, Qatar is the most sensitive to changes in oil prices and often responds in a quicker manner as compared to the others. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the effects of oil price changes on the Stock market of GCC countries. Over the last three decades, the drop in oil prices in the second half of 2014 qualifies as a noteworthy occurrence as compared to other episodes within that time. Between 1984 and 2013, there were five major declines in oil prices (Arouri, 2010). Notably, there were 30 percent or more price decreases within a period of six months. These declines in oil prices coincided with significant changes in oil markets and the global economy including; the increase in oil supplies and change in the OPEC policy, U.S recession, Asian crisis and the worldwide financial crisis of 1986, 1990, 1997 and 2007 respectively (Arouri, 2010). Interestingly, the latest episode of collapse in oil prices bears remarkable parallels with the1985-86 collapse. Saudi Arabia amended its policy in December 1985 leading to a 61 percent decline in the oil prices. Between January and July 1986, oil prices dropped from $24.68 to $9.62 per barrel and prevailed for more than a decade (Arouri, 2010). A repeat of this phenomenon was observed after the steep decline in oil prices intensified in the second half of 2014 following a policy alteration by Saudi Arabia in November 2013. Cumulatively, the decline in oil prices, from the peak that was experienced in 2011, became larger than that experienced in non-oil commodity prices. With this regard, oil prices affect the major economic variables of Oil producing countries, as well as, the stock returns of these involved countries (Arouri, 2010). The GCC is comprised of six countries including Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. In 2007, these countries possessed about 47 % of oil reserves, produced 20% of oil in the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A research paper on the Ancient Panatheniac Olympic stadium

A on the Ancient Panatheniac Olympic stadium - Research Paper Example 3). The stadium was refurbished by Herodes between 140 and 144 AD in the present form after excavated in 1870. The length and width of the Panatheniac Olympic Stadium designed in horseshoe shape is 204.07 meters and 33.35 meters respectively. Herodes constructed another such portico at the front of the stadium. Herodes also repaired the Illissos river bridge at the Stadium’s gate to make it bigger by putting three archways on its base. The bridge was there till 1778 (Meander Travel par. 1-3). A semi-circular wall was added to the north of the Stadium parallel to the sphendone of the southern side (â€Å"Olympic-Legacy,† par. 2). The archaeologist Earnst Ziller found the Stadium during excavations of the 1869-70, which was rebuilt again in 1896 for holding the first Olympiad in Athens by G Averof. Anastase Metaxas helped in remaking the Stadium to the capacity of 69,000 seats. The same marble from Mt. Penteli, which was used 2,400 years before, was used again for making of the Parthenon on the Acropolis. The Stadium was adorned as if it was the Grecian temple, the outline of which was still intact with its porticos and colonnades (Olympic-Legacy,† par. 3-8). Lycurgos as head of the overseers’ team was conferred the title of â€Å"caretakers of the Stadion†. ... Lycurgos changed the valley not only into a Stadium but also circumvented the arena with a parapet, which straightway marked the place for the competitions. A line of stones was laid down to label the starting point and the finish of an ordinary route. A passage was constructed behind the parapet, which made the circumference of the route. Below the footpath a covered passage was running along to take the flow of the rain water out from the Stadium. Some remains of this passage are still there to be seen. During that period, inclines were not sheltered with marble benches as the audience seating arrangements were made on the ground. The place named â€Å"the first wood† was meant for VIPs of that time, earmarking their seats (Lambros & Polites, â€Å"The Olympic Games B.C. 776. — A. D. I896.† pp.35-36). There are inscriptions that inform the repairing of the Stadium dating Third Century BC by Heracleitos in a â€Å"befitting manner†. In the second Century after Christ the Stadium was totally refurbished by Herodes Atticus. Herodes Atticus was selected the â€Å"Athlothete of the Panathenaia† (Lambros & Polites, â€Å"The Olympic Games B.C. 776. — A. D. I896.† p. 36). Worth description by Herodes was the ship on wheels on whose pole people laid their offerings because the goddess there is depicted as sail. It operated through a secret method sailing beside the ground. While addressing the people of Athens, Herodes finished his speech of thanks giving by saying: â€Å"It will be in a Stadium of marble that I hope to receive you, oh Athenians, yourselves as well as the Athletes and strangers, who will then be our guests.† In a span of 4 years he presented an altogether new look to the Stadium fully decorated. Such was the appeal of the Stadium that no other

Stratigec Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Stratigec - Assignment Example One of the many locations that Coca Cola has invested its resources in is in Japan, a country that accounts for close to 74% of the sales made in Asia. Having to locate a precise region and country that makes its products move of the shelves at a high rate will be essential for growth of the MNE. The ability to utilise strategies for the growth of the company indicates the benefits that influence the creation of new opportunities for the sake of the company. Answering this question will be quite essential in assisting upcoming MNEs to improve on their sales and revenues, while encouraging them to make good use of the resources available. To tackle this gap in the current literature, this essay will examine the literature present to date, and then look at an example of how Coca Cola manages to expand its services across the world, more so in Japan. An examination of the empirical evidence will also take place as well as an interpretation and discussion of the findings from the examination of Coca Cola and its internationalisation strategies. Multinational companies are the main drivers of globalisation and economic growth. These enterprises use their skills, strategies and resources to make the best out of what they have. The goal is to recreate the growing need for a space in the host country to ensure they capture the markets and make good use of the strategies they have readily placed near them (Arregle, Beamish & HÃ ©bert 2009: 89). They understand that the global cities in place will only benefit if there are outsiders who come and take good advantage of the skills and resources present to improve on their presence geographically and within the industry. The market share they acquire will always depend on how much they invest to acquire exclusive rights to develop their goals within the society (Dellestrand & Kappen 2012:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Construction and Purpose of Maya Pyramids Term Paper

The Construction and Purpose of Maya Pyramids - Term Paper Example The discussion that is presented in this term paper is based on Maya pyramids, that unveils the architectural and engineering skills of Mayan civilization and its purposes like cultural, ritualistic, religious, as landmarks and burial chambers. The researcher concluds the term paper and states that the Mayan pyramids represent the innovation in the fields of architecture and engineering. The essay describes that the development in the field of agriculture helped the Mayans to be innovative and creative. Besides, the construction of massive pyramids proves the Mayan accuracy in planning and implementation. The symbolic value of Mayan pyramids that is analyzed in details also proves its cultural purpose. In addition to that, the pyramids acted an important role to fulfill the ritualistic needs of the Mayans. As the Mayans were devoted to their religion that is described in the term paper, the pyramids acted the role of a gathering place to perform religious activities. For example, as the Mayan people gave more importance to their gods, kings and their ancestral lineage, some of the pyramids were made use as burial chambers. The Mayans also used to maintain trade relations and the pyramids acted the roles of land marks for it. In addition, the Mayans considered the elite class as the representatives of their gods and some of the pyramids were used as burial chambers. In short, the construction and usability of pyramids in different fields prove its vital role in the Mayan civilization.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Consumer Health Information Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Consumer Health Information - Coursework Example A major advantage of using the internet is its relative cheapness that allows many people to access information about their health and other medical issues they would like to know about without having to pay the high consultation fees that are charged by many doctors and other specialists. Conversely, a major disadvantage of using the internet to search for medical information pertains to the credibility of some of the web pages. This is because some of the web pages are created by people without the appropriate amount of knowledge in the topic they discuss in those web pages. The use of the internet provides empowerment to the users as they are able to get information pertaining to various health issues they seek to know quickly and cheaply. This saves them both time and money and enables them to make various decisions that better their lives. This paper provides valuable information pertaining to the use of the internet to search for medical information as well as a major advantage and disadvantage of using the internet. As noted, the internet is indeed a cheap and quick source of complex health and medical information. The disadvantage is the aspect of believing any information on the internet as it might be false. This is very important to note and users should be informed to be cautious of the information that they fond on the internet. This information relates to the course concepts and provides a basis for understanding the rise of the internet as a viable source of medical information to users. Healthcare organizations provide very important services to the patients that get treatment and other health services provided by these organizations. It is therefore very important to ensure that these organizations have effective management systems and strategies.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Banning Catcher in the Rye Essay Example for Free

Banning Catcher in the Rye Essay The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger should not be banned in schools based solely on the fact that it is a controversial book that uses harsh language and sexual references. This book is J. D. Salinger’s freedom of speech, and it is a violation of the first amendment for schools to ban this book. This book is only offering an inside look into what teenagers go through in some point of their lives. According to the Los Angeles Times, The Catcher in the Rye’s, â€Å"†¦ profanity and sexual references drew scandalized reactions†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Rotella 18). Although this book has many sexual references, it is not in any way as explicit and as bad as what teenagers see and hear nowadays on television and in the world. Holden occasionally thinks and talks about sex: â€Å"Most guys at Pencey talked about having sexual intercourse with girls all the time. † (Salinger 48). The average teenager often thinks and talks about sex. It is not unusual for teenagers to do this. The profanity in this book is also not as bad as it may seem. Patty Salazar, a concerned mother and religious activist, claims that, â€Å"‘It uses the Lord’s name in vain 200 times’† (Rotella 17), but the curse words used in The Catcher in the Rye are nothing that teenagers have not heard before in their everyday lives. Banning The Catcher in the Rye in school is not acceptable. It is a violation of the first amendment, and it is nothing far from what teenagers encounter everyday. This book gives teenagers someone in literature that they are able to relate to in one way or another. The Catcher in the Rye is not a book that will corrupt young readers. The underlying theme of this book is loss of innocence. This loss occurs when a teenager makes the change to adulthood where he or she is obscured by phoniness. By banning this book from schools, the only thing that teenagers would be sheltered from is reality.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Shock And Anaphylactic Shock

Shock And Anaphylactic Shock Shock is a medical emergency in which the organs and tissues of the body are not receiving a sufficient flow of blood. This deprives the organs and tissues of oxygen (which is carried in the blood) and allows the buildup of waste products. Shock can result in serious damage or even death. (Shock, 2008) Shock is usually caused by three major categories of problems: cardiogenic (problems associated with the heart), hypovolemic (total volume of blood available to circulate is low), and septic shock (infection in the blood). Cardiogenic shock can be caused by any disease which prevents the heart muscle from pumping strongly enough to circulate the blood normally. Heart attack, disturbances of the electrical rhythm of the heart, and any kind of mass which interferes with flow out of the heart are all things that affect the hearts ability to pump a normal quantity of blood. Hypovolemic shock happens when the total volume of blood in the body falls well below normal. This can happen when there is excess fluid loss, as in dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea, diseases which cause excess urination (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, and kidney failure), extensive burns, blockage in the intestines, inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), or severe bleeding anywhere in or througho ut the body. Septic shock can occur when an untreated or inadequately treated infection is allowed to grow in the body. Bacteria often produce toxins which can cause injury throughout the body. When large quantities of these bacteria, and the toxins, begin circulating in the bloodstream, every organ and tissue in the body is at risk of their damaging effects. The most damaging consequences of these bacteria and toxins include poor functioning of the heart muscles, widening of the diameter of the blood vessels, drops in blood pressure, activation of the blood clotting system that causes blood clots, followed by uncontrollable bleeding, damage to the lungs, causing acute respiratory distress syndrome, liver failure, kidney failure, and coma. (Weil, 2007) Treatment of shock includes keeping the patient warm, with legs raised and head down (to improve blood flow to the brain), putting a needle in a vein in order to give fluids or blood transfusions, giving the patient extra oxygen to breathe, medications to improve the hearts functioning, and treating the underlying condition which led to shock. The most preventable type of shock is caused by dehydration during an illnesses with severe vomiting or diarrhea. Shock can be avoided by realizing that a patient who is unable to drink needs to be given fluids intravenously. Other types of shock are only preventable by preventing the underlying conditions, or monitor and manage those conditions well enough so that they never progress to the point of shock. An anaphylactic shock is a rapidly progressing, life-threatening allergic reaction. This allergic reaction can start within seconds of exposure, and rapidly develop to cause airway constriction, skin and intestinal irritation, and abnormal heart rhythms. An anaphylactic shock is caused by the release of histamine and other chemicals from mast cells. Mast cells are a type of white blood cell and they are found in tissues that regulate exchange with our environment. Mast cells have antibodies called IgE (immunoglobulin type E). IgE are made to detect environmental substances to which the immune system is sensitive. A substance that most people can tolerate, but others have an allergic response, is called an allergen. When IgE antibodies come together with allergens, they cause the mast cells to release histamine and other chemicals, which mix into all of the bodys cells. This causes your bodys vessels to leak fluid into surrounding tissues, causing the fluid accumulation, redness, and swelling. On smooth muscle cells of the airways and digestive system, they cause constriction. On nerve endings, they cause itching. (Molle, Durham, Kronenberger, West-Stack, 2004) In an anaphylactic shock, the life threatening response is due to extreme hypersensivity to the allergen. Exposure by ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact causes anaphylaxis. Specific causes are fish, shellfish, nuts, stings of bees, wasps, or hornets, vaccines, antibiotics, insulin, hormones, aspirin and latex. Symptoms of an anaphylactic shock are hives, swelling of the tongue or mouth swelling of sinuses, difficulty breathing, wheezing, cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, confusion, high BP, or loss of consciousness. Emergency treatment of anaphylaxis involves injection of epinephrine which helps constricts blood vessels and counteracts the effects of histamine. Oxygen can be given. Antihistamines can be used for skin rash, and amino-phylline for bronchial constriction. If the airway is obstructed, placement of a breathing tube would be needed as well. (Molle, Durham, Kronenberger, West-Stack, 2004) The prognosis of an anaphylactic shock depends on how quickly emergency medical attention is given. However, death is possible from severe anaphylaxis. For those who receive rapid treatment, speedy recovery is likely. The only reliable method of preventing an anaphylactic shock is complete avoidance of the allergen. For insect allergies, it is recommended to learn nesting sites and habits. To prevent food allergies, have knowledge of prepared foods or dishes in which the allergen is likely to be present and careful observations and questioning about ingredients when dining out. Also, use of a Medi-Al ert tag listing drug allergies is vital to prevent unintentional administration of drugs during a medical emergency. People prone to anaphylaxis should carry an Epi-pen that contains adrenaline for immediate injection. In conclusion, both shock and anaphylactic shock are extreme medical emergencies that should be handled with effectiveness and precision. It is crucial for the medical professional to be educated on the steps needed to respond to this emergency. Additionally patients should be educated on steps to prevent these shocks, and how to properly contact medical personnel.

How Polluted Is The Brisbane River Environmental Sciences Essay

How Polluted Is The Brisbane River Environmental Sciences Essay This paper described the water pollution in Brisbane River and its effect in the environment and human health. It constructed an index that focuses on the effects and vulnerability to the environment. Councils and industries affect the Brisbane River by polluting and not following proper precautions. This paper examines the contaminants present and how primarily reduces its number. There is a wide range of industrial pollutants in Brisbane River discussed in this paper. It affects the Entire River and bodies of water around the location. These pollutants are generally addressed in various ways. Benefits of effective environmental management include improved water working conditions and reduced pollution incidents significantly due to industrial and structural processes. Some environmental advocates of water ecotourism choose to think of it as a true return to nature by minimizing realty development in natural areas and preserving their intrinsic beauty. The balance of costs and benef its is difficult to assess due to the insufficient data. Introduction The government initiated measures to control Brisbane water pollution by regulating its source that prevent the pollutants from being released into the atmosphere. Emission control systems set by the government are seen as the solution rather than considering ways to eliminate or minimize pollutant. By virtue of government mandate, the Environmental Protection Agency has been charged with the responsibility for developing programs on Hazardous waste regulation as well as a regulatory body for Brisbane River (Miller, 2008). The Environmental Protecting agency may make rules subject to the negative designation of hazardous substances and the performance standard, safeguard, procedures and licensing requirement with accordance with which such hazardous substances shall be handled. The management investigate the environment generally and such premises necessary to ascertain the nature of pollutants. It also develops and implements programs for the management of such wastes which include registration and further characterization of significant sources being disposed to the environment There is a wide range of industrial pollutants in Brisbane River that started when European settlement establish around the area causing pollution and increase waste products (Gleick Palaniappan, 2008). These include combustion and sewage products from power generation, transport and incineration. The common contaminants generated by these processes include, nitrous oxides, phosphoric substances, particulates, carbon oxides and nitrogen oxides. Effects of the development in the area such as industrial pollutants are directly affecting river as well as health of the population. There are also significant amount of sulfuric or nitric acid detected in aquatic reservoir that can destruct vegetation, drinking water, erode buildings and damage aquatic life in the River. The community utilizes Modification of the Transmission to disperse pollutants and most of the other waste products generated are re-shipped to manufacturers for recycling (Agar, 2001). An Analysis of Past and Current Pollution Levels SURVEY_DATE Nitrogen (total) as N (mg/L) Phosphorus (total) as P (mg/L) 4/10/2006 0.54 0.24 15/11/2006 0.52 0.23 15/12/2006 0.51 0.2 16/01/2007 0.46 0.2 14/02/2007 0.48 0.2 16/03/2007 0.47 0.19 17/04/2007 0.43 0.2 15/05/2007 0.51 0.25 14/06/2007 0.66 0.28 12/07/2007 0.56 0.25 10/08/2007 0.41 0.25 10/09/2007 0.5 0.24 9/10/2007 0.49 0.23 7/11/2007 0.55 0.25 5/12/2007 0.48 0.25 8/01/2008 0.7 0.31 5/02/2008 0.57 0.19 5/03/2008 0.35 0.098 4/04/2008 0.37 0.14 15/05/2008 0.44 0.17 17/06/2008 0.57 0.16 16/07/2008 0.57 0.17 15/08/2008 0.45 0.14 11/09/2008 0.38 0.13 13/10/2008 0.43 0.15 12/11/2008 0.46 0.15 10/12/2008 0.71 0.14 8/01/2009 0.58 0.1 9/02/2009 0.42 0.11 10/03/2009 0.59 0.17 8/04/2009 0.68 0.18 7/05/2009 0.48 0.13 5/06/2009 0.55 0.1 6/07/2009 0.71 0.095 5/08/2009 0.42 0.084 3/09/2009 0.5 0.12 5/10/2009 0.46 0.12 4/11/2009 0.3 0.088 3/12/2009 1.9 0.16 13/01/2010 0.51 0.11    These data can be used as a proxy for water pollution in general, which impacts on many aspects of the riverà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s ecosystem and public health including such things as quality of water and biodiversity. But there is no continuous data monitoring for Nitrogen and Phosphorus and other hazardous chemical in Brisbane River (Miller, 2008). Therefore estimation for this pollutant indicator could not be determined. The data indices was developed in the past which describe the risks associated with sustainability, climate change, economic and social conditions, climate change, natural disasters, anthropogenic impacts in the river. Most of these figures describe the vulnerability of human systems with only limited attempts having been made to describe effects of air pollution on the environment (Donald, 2002). Nature There is a wide range of industrial pollutants in Brisbane River. These pollutants are generally addressed in various ways. These include oil products from manufacturers, industries, transport and incineration. The common contaminants generated by these processes include phosphorus and nitrogen. There are also non-combustion sources. Examples of these are industrial processes, transportation, agriculture and construction that produce water pollutants and particulates (Gleick Palaniappan, 2008). These are release directly from the source into the water in a harmful form. A typical pollutant would be nitrogenous compound. Moreover, particulates are also present and serve as atmospheric pollutants that consist of the vapor phase of such compounds. Its chemical composition is depending upon source chemicals. The pollution level in the past years in Brisbane River is continually increasing partly because of industrialization and technology (Ostopowich, 2006). There is also inorganic water pollutants consist of many types of substances present in the river. Many of these liquid and solid substances may become particulate air contaminants. These inorganic water pollutants consist of sulfur, oxides of carbon, and nitrogen. Nitrogen and phosphorus are considered as a directly fatal and toxic material (Miller, 2008). Carbon dioxide in the water may turn out to be the most significant water pollutant of all because of its potential health hazard that might cause devastating water destruction. Oxides of nitrogen and sulfur are acid forming gases that can facilitate acid formation. These pollutants enter the water system as the result of industrial activities. The trends are continually fluctuating without normal ranges (Agar, 2001). Effects Water pollution from mechanical and industrial sources is the most widespread form of pollution in Brisbane River. It affects the Entire River and bodies of water around the location. Continuous Water protection monitoring is presently conducted in the river. Over the period 2000-2010 there has been a steady increase in the number of industries around the river (Gleick Palaniappan, 2008).The number of industrial processes in the area has remained more or less steady during this same period. There are pollution standard concentrations over a period of time that is considered to be acceptable on health and on the environment (Donald, 2002). They can also be used as a bench mark to see if water pollution is getting worse. Moreover, water pollution has a wide range of effects on human health resided along the river, ecosystems, structures and other human communities. Adverse effect and discomfort on human health and environment result to functional and physical damages. Australian Healt h Ministry reported incidence of respiratory diseases related to chemical pollutants around the area. They detected significant amount of phosphoric or nitrogenous chemicals in aquatic reservoir which can be attributed to acid rains. It can contaminate drinking water, vegetations and erode river wall buildings and damage aquatic life. Some environmental advocates of water ecotourism choose to think of it as a true return to nature by minimizing realty development in natural areas and preserving their intrinsic beauty. For example, instead of using up large tracts of land for building hotel complexes, these advocates prefer the construction of small, more ecologically friendly lodges that can take in a limited number of people only. The idea behind this thinking is to lessen the negative impact that tourist activities make on the environment, keeping consumption well within the carrying capacity of the area. (Miller, 2008). Others, however, see ecological benefits is being compromise because it accounts for benefits and uses that the host communities can get from the tourist activities in their area as well as the profits that travel agencies can also realize. They believe that conscientious consumption of the environmental resources and economic progress can be enjoyed simultaneously. The main thrust of this paper is therefore to determine if ecotourism he trending situations and is actually possible to reduce the pollutants, given the conflicting interests at play in these kinds of activities (Ostopowich, 2006). Control The number of collected data on control measures in Brisbane River is aggressively planned by our office (Environmental Protection Agency) with collaboration of various private and public sectors. It is difficult to determine accurately the percentage of effectively managed or controlled pollutants per year but the effort is continuous. Water pollutants resulted from industrial processes in the river is treated by different water treatment process (Gleick Palaniappan, 2008). It disperses pollutants to reduce the concentration at the susceptible target location to an acceptable level. The pollutant was transported with a considerable distance and transform to clean water. In this process, the water pollutants are brought to a designated area and are compacted. Most of the other waste products generated are re-shipped to manufacturers for recycling. In Trinidad only waste oil is recycled, therefore, given that 897.8 cubic meters of oil is generated per year, with 35.8 cubic meters bei ng recycled, the mean percent of hazardous waste recycled locally is about 4 per cent (Donald, 2002). Environmental Protection on water is also stressed out by the government. They prohibit the deposition or release of rubbish, scrap metal, motor vehicle parts, motor vehicle bodies, building waste, solid or liquid waste from an on-site domestic waste water treatment system, degreasing agent, paint, varnish or paint thinner or any manufactured product, or any by-product or waste from a manufacturing processes, that has a pH less than 6 or greater than nine (Agar, 2001). Recommendations The Environmental Protection agency gathers the most relevant information to come up with recommendations on how to decrease water pollution in Brisbane River. To help protect human health and ecosystem around Brisbane River, these recommendations suit to control and minimize water pollution Water quality indexes must be used to serve as warning for susceptible people of a possible air pollution health risk. The modified Environmental Vulnerability Index must aid to summarize a wide range of environmental vulnerability for Brisbane River. A significant number of data collections are requirement to extract important information from various government or private agencies and international environmental organizations the country Administrative controls and legislative protocol can be utilized to minimize or prevent the generation of pollutants by the adoption of appropriate industrial practices and rules for specific processes including maintenance, waste disposal procedures and management controls. Engineering measures and controls can be used by Industries to minimize or prevent the release of pollutants. This approach includes polluting material elimination and substitution to prevent harmful emission into the atmosphere. Modification of the process to eliminate or reduce emissions is also part of engineering control. Emission control systems are also effective method to discharge gas streams adequately Government must continually provide support for strengthening the environmental management capacity of participating agencies to provide advice and access to data in support of its activities relating to complaints, environmental emergencies, monitoring compliance, enforcement and assessment of the state of environment. Properly dissemination of information and co-coordinate activities to promote and enhance environmental awareness of the public. A Predictive Model of Future Pollution The establishment of the predictive mode for water pollution is basically outlined from environment law and the plan provided a new set of perspective and basic ideas for the future environmental policies and trend regarding water pollution. This model established a framework with a long-term course. The model is a prediction on how the Brisbane River will progress and how the present effort affects the future. Previously, pollution problems were regional and the resulting damage was easy to see. It was therefore relatively easy to appreciate the causes and effect (Gleick Palaniappan, 2008). By contrasting the present situation to the past, many of todays water and environmental problems are caused by the activities of human being and many different elements that go to build up current complex and huge economic society. In order to solve these environmental problem, collaboration and partnership is a very important component. Collaboration in this case involves various private and l ocal elements in society working together in sharing and cooperating responsibilities. It also contains understanding the relationship between the activities of human and the natural environment, and also the connection that between socio-economic activities and the ecosystem. (Miller, 2008) People around Brisbane River have always been dependent on the environment as well as many people around the world. It is significantly essential for us to take into consideration, and realize, the relationship that between people and his environment, and to open a way for a sustainable future with the active cooperation and involvement of all people (Ostopowich, 2006). Conclusions Human systems and the environment are dependent on one another so that risks to the environment will eventually translate into harm and risks for humans and their welfare. Air pollutants from industrial facilities and industrial processes in Brisbane River include: oil refineries, power plants, chemical plants and steel mills. The amount of emissions are variously controlled, licensed and permitted emissions by the government, Waste production indicator is based on the amount of wastes produced by industrial processes and pollutants being generated or brought into the river.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

1. Introduction Globalization has incurred dramatic transformation to commerce practices around the globe. Corporations like Intel, Apple, and IBM have begun to outsource experts from different parts of the globe, reasoning variation in firm’s structures and work shifts (Bernstein, Kripalani and Engardio, 2004). Consolidation between airlines (e.g., sky alliances, on world members and star alliances) is further instances of variations caused due to this phenomenon. According to Jean de la Croix (2011), like many other industries, hospitality and tourism sector has also been affected by the globalization. Hence, this dissertation peruses the impacts of globalization on 5 star luxury hotels in Geneva city, Switzerland with a specific concern on how it impacts the hotels marketing strategy. In this etude, â€Å"globalization† reflects on the procedure of augmenting cultural and social relationship, economic, and political interdependence, market and financial accretion that are due to th e advancements in transportation technologies, communication, and business liberation (Lenway and Eden, 2002) This dissertation contains of 2 relevant etudes. The first study is designed to investigate the impacts of globalization in the marketing strategy of 5 star hotels in Geneva and the second study investigates the link between the impacts of globalization and the scale of corporate marketing and international marketing implementation of the 5 star hotels. As international business and trade expand, there is no doubt that international connections will become more and more significant for the hotel industry. According to Zhang Zhen (2005), in the late decades, many hotels have received foreign customers one day or another. Then, as the sector evolve... ...n indicator was lately developed by collaboration between EDS Corporation and Foreign Policy Magazine (Foreign Policy, 2004). In this dissertation, the impacts of globalization are divided into two broad groups: 1) global market threats, and 2) worldwide market opportunities. These two important impacts are chosen in order to be perused as they are often mentioned in the past literature as one of the most certain and evident impacts of globalization (e.g., Molle & Jones, 2003; Smith & Calantone, 1999; Closs, 1992). Many believe that global market results in increases in market, business and enterprise potential and availability to the resources (Srivatava & Rukert, 1990; Smith & Calantone, 1999). However, some other like Heenan, 1989 and Jones, 2002; believe that global market results in an increase in the number and level of competition, and the degree of doubt.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Aims of 19th Century Imperialism :: Imperialism

What were the aims of the 19th century imperial countries and how successful were they in achieving these aims. Imperialism could be defined as a policy of a country of gaining new territories and establishing nation’s dominance of political, economic, and social life of another territories or countries. This policy was the main trend in the global politics in the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. The main countries involved in the imperialism were such major European countries as France, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Italy and, in addition to that, the developing United States of America. The events that took place at that period of time could be described as a competition between the most powerful countries of the world, with the aim of conquering new territories, expanding political power and gaining prestige, getting economical profits with the new overseas resources and possibilities of transportation, and many other social factors, such as spreading Christianity and culture. There was a very positive influence on imperialistic countries in the near-term outloo k, as in the most cases their aims were achieved, but taking into account the events that followed the period of the burst of imperialism, e.g. two World Wars, it can be noticed that the total cost of the imperialistic era was very high for those countries. One of the main aims of imperialistic countries of that period was expansion of their territorial possessions. In general, the wishes of imperialistic countries to expand are caused by two types of their needs. In the first case, which is represented best by the Unites States and Russian Empire, the main accent was made on gaining new territories located close to their borders, so that the territory of the country itself became bigger. Both countries acquired huge contiguous tracts of land, which were usually empty of populations expect of some small groups of aborigines. For instance, Russia did that with territories in China and Persia, the US expanded tremendously to the west and south seizing former Mexican provinces (e. Aims of 19th Century Imperialism :: Imperialism What were the aims of the 19th century imperial countries and how successful were they in achieving these aims. Imperialism could be defined as a policy of a country of gaining new territories and establishing nation’s dominance of political, economic, and social life of another territories or countries. This policy was the main trend in the global politics in the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. The main countries involved in the imperialism were such major European countries as France, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Italy and, in addition to that, the developing United States of America. The events that took place at that period of time could be described as a competition between the most powerful countries of the world, with the aim of conquering new territories, expanding political power and gaining prestige, getting economical profits with the new overseas resources and possibilities of transportation, and many other social factors, such as spreading Christianity and culture. There was a very positive influence on imperialistic countries in the near-term outloo k, as in the most cases their aims were achieved, but taking into account the events that followed the period of the burst of imperialism, e.g. two World Wars, it can be noticed that the total cost of the imperialistic era was very high for those countries. One of the main aims of imperialistic countries of that period was expansion of their territorial possessions. In general, the wishes of imperialistic countries to expand are caused by two types of their needs. In the first case, which is represented best by the Unites States and Russian Empire, the main accent was made on gaining new territories located close to their borders, so that the territory of the country itself became bigger. Both countries acquired huge contiguous tracts of land, which were usually empty of populations expect of some small groups of aborigines. For instance, Russia did that with territories in China and Persia, the US expanded tremendously to the west and south seizing former Mexican provinces (e.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Modern Women Essay -- Gender Roles, Blaxploitation

Common misrepresentations of women are said to be that they are weak and inferior to men in which American society continuously place women in these roles within domestic, political, economic, and social settings. The public rarely pays tribute to the feminine heroine because she is unrecognized and unseen in American culture. However, during the 1960s to 1970s, African-American female representation has changed the way we define femininity and the modern woman through the genre known as Blaxploitation. Blaxploitation was a genre created for the black and urban audiences which highlighted black unity and empowerment. With this, the â€Å"ideal† black woman has changed. Through the workings of Edward Guerrero, Eithne Quinn, and Yvonne Sims, I am going to explain the key origins and definitions of Blaxploitation in which Guerrero takes a socioeconomic standpoint and Quinn and Sims value a more social view. With Quinn’s and Sims’s point-of-views, I will argue that B laxploitation have altered the ideas of African-American female representation in which characters like Foxy Brown have assumed masculine traits, thus, making her a stronger female. Lastly, I will discuss what Guerrero is missing in relation to the black female representation compared the real world. According to Edward Guerrero, the origins of Blaxploitation occurred during the Civil Rights Movement as a film strategy for the deteriorating film industry. During 1960, profits from the box office decreased from $60 million to $15 million; however, in 1967, one-third of the black population added to the box office gross and Hollywood used this fact towards making a profit .The large African-American population within the movie industry was due to their desire to spectate black... ...tion and is only limited to his socioeconomic argument. Although authors like Guerrero, Quinn, and Sims have different observations of their origins and definitions of Blaxploitation, they can all agree the notion of how it was popular among African-American audiences. Guerrero argues that Blaxploitation was a mockery of Black Nationalism and was created for the sole-purpose of profit of Hollywood. Also, Quinn believes that Blaxploitation was created after the Civil Rights movement to highlight individualism and needs of the powerful black male in which these traits portrays the male as violent and sexual; and lastly, Sims adheres to the idea that female characters later embodied these traits to illustrate the important of women in film. Unlike Quinn and Sims, Guerrero does not see the important of the gender dynamics of the black heroine within Blaxploitation. The Modern Women Essay -- Gender Roles, Blaxploitation Common misrepresentations of women are said to be that they are weak and inferior to men in which American society continuously place women in these roles within domestic, political, economic, and social settings. The public rarely pays tribute to the feminine heroine because she is unrecognized and unseen in American culture. However, during the 1960s to 1970s, African-American female representation has changed the way we define femininity and the modern woman through the genre known as Blaxploitation. Blaxploitation was a genre created for the black and urban audiences which highlighted black unity and empowerment. With this, the â€Å"ideal† black woman has changed. Through the workings of Edward Guerrero, Eithne Quinn, and Yvonne Sims, I am going to explain the key origins and definitions of Blaxploitation in which Guerrero takes a socioeconomic standpoint and Quinn and Sims value a more social view. With Quinn’s and Sims’s point-of-views, I will argue that B laxploitation have altered the ideas of African-American female representation in which characters like Foxy Brown have assumed masculine traits, thus, making her a stronger female. Lastly, I will discuss what Guerrero is missing in relation to the black female representation compared the real world. According to Edward Guerrero, the origins of Blaxploitation occurred during the Civil Rights Movement as a film strategy for the deteriorating film industry. During 1960, profits from the box office decreased from $60 million to $15 million; however, in 1967, one-third of the black population added to the box office gross and Hollywood used this fact towards making a profit .The large African-American population within the movie industry was due to their desire to spectate black... ...tion and is only limited to his socioeconomic argument. Although authors like Guerrero, Quinn, and Sims have different observations of their origins and definitions of Blaxploitation, they can all agree the notion of how it was popular among African-American audiences. Guerrero argues that Blaxploitation was a mockery of Black Nationalism and was created for the sole-purpose of profit of Hollywood. Also, Quinn believes that Blaxploitation was created after the Civil Rights movement to highlight individualism and needs of the powerful black male in which these traits portrays the male as violent and sexual; and lastly, Sims adheres to the idea that female characters later embodied these traits to illustrate the important of women in film. Unlike Quinn and Sims, Guerrero does not see the important of the gender dynamics of the black heroine within Blaxploitation.

Othello and Faustus Blame Term Paper Essay

Trust is an essential part of a peaceful society. The way people act decides whether they are trustworthy or not. One who manipulates trust to deceive people is to blame for the disturbance. Those who places trust in the wrong person are also to blame. Placing trust in an unworthy person is the initial fault as it opens the protagonist to deception. Thus they base their actions according to the false information which condemns them. The person who is to blame is viewed as a villain rather than a hero. The object of the misplaced trust is decides to what extent they are to blame. Othello and Faustus place their trust in unworthy people. Othello is a trusting man, causing him to trust a deceiver who wishes him harm. Iago explains his plan for Othello in this way, â€Å"After some time, abuse Othello’s ears/ that he is too familiar with his wife./ To be suspected—framed to make women false./ The Moor is of free and open nature/ that thinks men honest that but seem to be so;/ and will as tenderly be led by th’nose/ as asses are./† (A1 S3 L390-393). Iago plots to manipulate Othello when he states he will abuse Othello’s ears. He states that he will convince Othello that Cassio is having an affair with his wife and describes that he picked Cassio because he seems like the type of man to commit this offence. This quote also shows the excessive trusting nature of Othello. Iago believes that it would be simple to deceive Othello because Othello is honest to the point where he believes no one is dishonest. Iago will be able to lead Othello into believing Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona. Iago’s plan would cause the downfall of Cassio and Othello which is perfect for Iago’s motives. Othello’s trusting personality causes him to misplace his trust in a deceiver, which is the beginning of his downfall. Othello’s flaw of trusting is an excess of a good trait, placing more blame onto Iago. Faustus places his trust in himself because he is prideful. He was knowledgeable in every acceptable branch of knowledge. Faustus is presented in the prologue in this way: â€Å"That shortly he was graced with doctor’s name,/ excelling all, and sweetly can dispute/ in th’heavenly matters of theology;/ Till swoll’n with cunning, of a self-conceit,/ his waxen wings did mount above his reach/ and melting, heavens conspired his overthrow† (prologue L16-21). The quote shows that Faustus was praised with the title of doctor after surpassing everyone in the subject of divinity, which is the most important branch of knowledge at the time. The quote continues to describe Faustus’ pride to be swollen, which means it has grown larger than it should be. Pride is the deadliest of the seven deadly sins and Icarus, who was prideful, reached beyond what he was capable of. Icarus flew too close to the sun even though he was warned by his father. This resulted in the melting of his waxed wings and ultimately killing him. Icarus bears the blame completely for his downfall. This quote shows that Faustus shares the same pride as Icarus. If Faustus were to fall because he were to reach beyond his capabilities with the knowledge that he should not, Faustus would bear all the blame and be viewed as a villain. Faustus understands theology better than everyone, but he chooses to be prideful. His excellence causes him to be prideful and believe he is better than what he truly is. Pride is viewed as a negative trait and will cause the reader to lean towards viewing Faustus as a villain rather than a hero. The misplaced trust cause Othello and Faustus accept false knowledge. Othello vows to kill Desdemona because he trusts Iago. Othello expresses his plans as, â€Å"Even so my bloody thoughts, with violent pace,/ shall nev’r look back, nev’r ebb to humble love,/ till that a capable and wide revenge/ swallow them up. [He kneels.] Now, by yond marble heaven,/ in the due reverence of a sacred vow/ I here engage my words./. ..Damn her! Come, go with me apart. I will withdraw/ to furnish me some swift means of death for the fair devil./† (A3 S3 L454-458 & 473-475). Being a trustworthy man, Othello would never break his promise. He begins to say that he has thoughts of murder for his revenge. He continues to say that he refuses to think otherwise. He chooses to have an unwavering mind of having revenge. He makes a vow with Iago and he vows to kill Desdemona as soon as possible. His promise to kill Desdemona is based on the false information Iago has given him. Othello is mentally prepared to commit a fault that will condemn his future because he trusts Iago. Othello is partially to blame for this mistake because he vows to take revenge based on circumstantial evidence. He is stubborn to set his mind to one path. Faustus accepts false information because he believes that he knows everything about divinity. In his demonstration of the types of knowledge, his ignorance causes him to overlook essential details. â€Å"Jerome’s Bible, Faustus view it well. Ha! The reward of sin is death? †¦If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us. Why, then belike, we must sin, and so consequently die. Ay, we must die an everlasting death†¦ What will be shall be! Divinity, adieu!† (A1 S1 L36-43) Faustus starts his speech on divinity with pride. He states that he has viewed the bible without overlooking anything. As he reads a passage from the bible, he shows that he does not view it well. He reads that those who sin are damned and men must sin. Therefore, he decides that all men are damned. He overlooks repentance and shows how his pride is fatal. Repentance is the key to divinity because it is the only way to save one’s soul. Faustus overlooks divinity as another branch of knowledge he has mastered. His knowledge causes him to be prideful and place his trust in himself. He neglects the concept of repentance and dismisses divinity. By dismissing divinity, he would be unable to review the whole passage to understand if he had missed anything. His pride causes him to believe that there is no salvation and pursues a path that will condemn him. Faustus is completely to blame because he has an excess of pride, which is a bad trait. His trait led him to accept false knowledge so he bears all of the blame. The actions that condemn Othello and Faustus are based on false information. Othello commits murder because he believes Desdemona was false to him. Othello is lead by false information that was given to him from Iago. Othello announces, â€Å"She’s like a liar gone to burning hell! ‘She’s like a liar gone to burning hell!/ ‘Twas I that killed her/†¦ ‘Tis pitiful; but yet Iago knows/ that she with Cassio hath the act of shame/ a thousand times committed. Cassio confessed it;/ And she did gratify his amorous works/ with that recognizance and pledge of love,/ which I first gave her. I saw it in his hand./ It was a handkerchief, an antique token/ my father gave my mother† (A5 S2 L128-129 & 207-214). Othello admits he killed Desdemona because he is honourable and refuses to avoid punishment by with killing Desdemona by lying. He says that he killed Desdemona, but without shame because he believes he has done so for a good cause. He states his reasons, which were all based on information that Iago has given him. Othello justifies his actions with events where Iago was deceiving him. Iago and Cassio were talking about Bianca, but Iago tells Othello it was about Desdemona. Iago also says that he has seen Cassio wipe his beard with Desdemona’s handkerchief. Othello’s evidence is all based on Iago’s deception and false evidence which is later proved wrong by Emilia. Othello wrongfully murders Desdemona and is condemned. Othello lost his loyal wife, his status and his respect that was gained through many years of service. Othello bears most of blame because he accepts Iago’s uncertain information and stubbornly devotes himself to revenge. He focuses on Iago’s information and is unable to see through Iago’s obvious lies. Iago still bears little, but some of the blame for giving the false information. Having rejected divinity, Faustus chooses necromancy, which condemns him. He pride causes him write the terms for the devil. Faustus states the terms as, â€Å"I, John Faustus of Wittenberg, Doctor, by these/ presents, do give both body and soul to Lucifer,/ prince of east, and his minister Mephostophilis/, and furthermore grant unto them that,/ four and twenty years being expired and these/ articles above written being inviolate, full/ power to fetch or carry the said John Faustus,/ body and soul,, flesh, blood, or goods, into their/ habitation wheresoever./ By me John Faustus/† (A2 S1 L108-117). Faustus dictates the terms of the contract. He sells his soul to Lucifer for twenty four years of leisure and the obedience of Mephistophilis. His pride causes him to not realize his eternal soul is worth much more than twenty four years of pleasure. In the end, he states that the terms were by him, repeating that it was him who created the terms. He remains prideful and sells his soul to Lucifer to pursue his path of necromancy. Faustus made this decision because he believed in himself and based his action on the false knowledge. His overlooking of divinity causes him to damn himself. He is completely to blame for his actions because the devil did not influence Faustus. Faustus knew exactly what he was doing because he creates a contract that will condemn him and dictates its terms to Mephistophilis. The blame for the downfall depends on the characters final actions. Othello’s honour wills him to right the wrong. Othello shows his honourable personality by saying, â€Å"I have done the state some service, and they know’t./ No more of that. I pray you, in your letters,/ when you shall these unlucky deeds relate,/ speak of me as I am. Nothing extenuated, nor set down aught in malice. Then you must speak/ of one that loved not wisely, but too well;/ Of one not easily jealous, but, being wrought ,/ perplexed in the extreme; of one whose hand,/ like the base Judean, threw a pearl away/ richer than all his tribe†¦ I kissed thee ere I killed thee. No way but this, killing myself, to die upon a kiss (A5 S2 L334-344 & 354-355). Othello tries to make a last attempt to justify his actions and regain his honour. He talks about his past deeds and about how honourable he was. He also asks that his unfortunate deeds should not be excluded in his report. He tells Lodovic to report on his love, and that he was not wise in his love, but he was madly in love with Desdemona. Othello admits that he was jealous and was not thinking logically when he doubted Desdemona’s loyalty. Othello was perplexed in the extreme, causing him to charge Desdemona with groundless evidence. Othello describes himself like Judean. Judean refers to Judas, who was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Judas betrays Jesus, condemning himself to hell. Othello says he has killed Desdemona which has condemned him. He continues to be loyal to Venice and now that he has become an enemy of the state, he decides to kill himself. His last line was dedicated to Desdemona, saying that there is nothing he can do to repent for killing her, but he is willing to sacrifice himself to right the wrong. Othello understands his mistakes and tries to justify his actions. Seeing that he has taken the life of an innocent person, he decides that it is only fair he takes his own. This shows that Othello bears a little bit of the blame because he shows he truly had no intent of killing Desdemona and admits he is wrong. Iago bears most of the blame because he deceives Othello, an innocent and honest person. Hence, Iago is viewed as the villain whereas Othello is viewed as a hero. Faustus’ destruction is brought upon himself due to his rejection of repentance. Faustus demonstrates his pride even when he knows he is wrong by saying, â€Å"But Faustus’ offense can ne’er be pardoned./ The serpent that tempted Eve may be saved, but/ not Faustus! (A5 S2 L42-44). Faustus continues to be prideful and states that his offense can not be excused. This is related to the point when Faustus rejects divinity. Divinity shows that he can repent, but he overlooks it again. He believes in the false information and his pride causes him to believe that his actions were more significant than the serpent’s actions, which damned all of humanity. Faustus pride believes he is more superior to the very devil he had sold his soul to. Faustus understands that he is wrong, but refuses to acknowledge it. Faustus bears all of the blame for his downfall because he has allowed himself to be led by pride. Faustus is offered another chance to repent and save himself from damnation, but his pride convinces him to discard this opportunity. Faustus is viewed as a villain for not repenting to God and refusing to save himself after he is condemned. Othello trusted Iago, which led him to believe false information. The false information caused Othello to condemn himself, but Othello recognizes his mistakes and tries to right the wrong. Faustus is prideful and trusts himself, causing him to make an error in his studies. The error leads to Faustus’ condemnation, but Faustus is capable of saving himself many times by repenting unlike Othello. Othello did not have a second chance where as Faustus had many chances. Faustus discards all of his opportunities and refuses to accept the fact that he is wrong. Othello bears less of the trust because he was unable to save himself after he realized he has been condemned, but tries to right the wrong. Faustus bears all of the blame because he is condemned, and is capable of saving himself, but chooses not to. Thus, Othello is viewed as a hero while Faustus is viewed as a villain.