Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Same sex marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Same sex marriage - Essay Example Therefore, in regards to marriage, the Biblical teaching holds that a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined with his wife, forming one flesh (Genesis. 2:24). From the Christian teachings, it is apparent that God created man and woman to enjoy heterosexual sexual relationship, in the institution of marriage. This paper discusses reasons why same sex marriages should not be legalized. Christian teachings are replete with many incidents of deviant sexual behaviors including sodomy, incest, bestiality, rape, pedophile among others. The Bible documents God’s objection to same sex through Lot in Genesis 19: 3-14. According to Genesis 19, Lot a resident Sodom was one day approached by two men who wanted to have same sex with the Lot’s visitors. The man wanted to sodomize guests in Lot’s house so that they could save Sodom and Lot’s household from an imminent destruction. However, Lot rejected their demand and instead, he offered his two virgin daugh ters to the men. God came to the rescue of Lot and his family before the men could break his house and have sex with Lot’s daughters. That very night, God guided Lot and his family escaped to safer place. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed the following day, by falling fire and burning sulfur (Genesis, 19, 27). It is worth noting that God abhorred same sex and other deviant sexual behaviors in Sodom that He ordered Lot and his wife not to look back to the city as they fled to a safe place that God ordered them to flee to. However, Lot’s wife did not heed God’s command and when she turned back to face Sodom, she became a salt pillar (Genesis 19: 28). From the religious point of view, it is apparent that same sex marriage and sex is forbidden. In Christianity, the catholic denomination is particularly intolerant of the union between same sex couples in a marriage. According to Catechism of the Catholic Church (1613), homosexual actions are regarded as â€Å"intrins ically disordered† because they contradict with the natural law, inhabiting the gift of life through sexual intercourse. In addition, homosexual actions do not arise from genuine affection and sexual compatibility. In this case, the church recommends that under no circumstances should homosexuality be permitted in the society. Therefore, the church argues that legalizing same sex marriage would be harmful to the society (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1613). In context to family system and same sex marriage, many studies on marriages have established that families made of heterosexual couples are happier, healthier and have better economic standing (Linda and Maggie, 2001). Moreover, empirical studies have established that unmarried women are more likely to die than married women are, while the probability of unmarried man dying is five times to that of their married counterparts of the same age (Howard and Gary 1995). In this respect, marriage is a key public health issue, which results to adverse health effects if it is not established on the right foundation. In the family system, Yuanreng and Noreen (1990) argue that heterosexual marriage results into complementarities, that is absent in same sexual marriages. There are many differences between men and women and these diversities are complementary. These differences have a profound spiritual and physical importance and without complementarity between man and women,

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